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LED lighting is an upgrade to lighting systems everywhere in many different ways. But utilizing LED lighting in small business offices is slightly different compared to traditional lighting. It is important for business owners to use LED office lighting guide for small businesses to make the right decisions.

LED office lighting guide for small businesses can help educate business owners everywhere on LED lighting and its benefits.

LED Lighting Overview

LED office lighting guide for small businesses can help educate business owners everywhere on LED lighting and its benefits. LED lighting is simply a reaction from a diode when an electric current comes in contact with it. People may think a bulb is one simple diode but that’s not the case.

In fact, one LED bulb can contain any number of diodes which will fill the bulb with light. That light then emits from the bulb filling the space with light. The inner workings aren’t exactly important to businesses owners who are just trying to replace a bulb in an office.

But knowing these things could help people make better decisions. LED bulbs are like anything else in that they have pros and cons. The pros ultimately outweigh the cons, which is why many businesses have switched to LED lighting.

LED Office Lighting Guide for Small Businesses View of Inside a Meeting Room

LED Office Lighting Guide for Small Businesses | Pros

The most important thing about any LED office lighting guide for small businesses is longevity. LED bulbs last an average of 10 to 20 times longer than halogen or incandescent bulbs. Both of which are common in business offices everywhere. But the benefit that business owners love is the cost of use.

Incandescent bulbs may cost less upfront, but the fees just keep coming month after month in the form of an electricity bill. LED bulbs use less energy which means lower energy costs. The combination of longer lifespans and less energy used means LED bulbs pay for themselves eventually.

Some minor benefits include less heat output, lower risk of fire, lower CO2 emissions, and of course style and color options.

LED Office Lighting Guide for Small Businesses Close Up of an Office Desk with Decor a Laptop and a Desk Lamp on it

LED Lighting Cons

Any good business owner knows that a deal that sounds this good must not be real. However, this is a rare occasion when TNSTAAFL or there’s no such thing as a free lunch is only partly true. The cons of LED lighting might make some business owners rethink the upgrade.

For example, not all older fixtures are compatible with LED lighting in business offices. That means the upfront cost might increase if all-new fixtures or adapters are required. Some minor cons include dimming features that aren’t available on all LED lights, and extreme temperatures in the building could cause malfunctions.

However, the important thing to remember is that investing in LED enhancements is just that, an investment that will end up saving you money and paying for themselves overall.

LED Office Lighting Guide for Small Businesses Two CoWorkers Sitting at a Laptop by a Window in an Office

Different Types of LEDs

The last thing to cover in a LED office lighting guide for small businesses is the distinct types of LED lighting. There are basic LED bulbs that fit most standard fixtures. There are also LED tubes that may fit in a fluorescent fixture. You will also come across LED panel lights, globe bulbs, candle bulbs, smart bulbs, colored LEDs, and dimmable LEDs.

The wide variety of options help cover most of your bases. You can redesign the lighting throughout your building or just start slow and start the upgrade where it matters most and then worry about the smaller things little by little. The goal is to go completely LED to get the most savings from your upgrade.

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