by Halo Marketing | Jul 29, 2019 | LED Lighting, Lektron Lighting, Lighting Tips & Tricks
Energy saving ideas for factories are important thanks to a rise in energy costs. Heating and cooling take up 40% of the amount of energy used in factories. Basic electricity takes up another 40% and telecommunication takes up about 20%. Even the smallest most...
by Halo Marketing | Jul 22, 2019 | Design Ideas, LED Lighting, Lektron Lighting, Lighting Tips & Tricks
Interestingly enough, up to 40% of a warehouse’s energy costs comes from lighting. This is why it is important to utilize lighting tips for warehouses. Not only can you save money on energy, but you can improve your environmental footprint by using the right...
by Halo Marketing | Jul 15, 2019 | Design Ideas, LED Lighting
The different types of lighting are already understood. Task, ambiance, decorative, and accent lighting are the four main types of lighting a retailer uses. But once you know where to put fixtures and what type of fixtures we can use, we move onto setup. Learning how...
by Halo Marketing | Jul 5, 2019 | LED Lighting, Lektron Lighting, Lighting Tips & Tricks
There are different options for lighting a warehouse. The goal is to get enough lighting to cover every square foot. But no one wants to waste energy. Finding a middle ground that does both isn’t very difficult either, not with the advances in lighting technology we...
by Halo Marketing | Jun 27, 2019 | LED Lighting, Lighting Tips & Tricks
When it comes to running an office, there are a lot of things that need to be considered. Most importantly though, is the goal of making your office run like a well-oiled machine. Help for that goal can be found in one of the most unlikely of places, the lighting...