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Ambient lighting does more for retail businesses than you may think. Businesses use ambient lighting to set a mood and attract shoppers. This is an important aspect of selling products in a retail location. Unfortunately, ambient lighting is often overlooked. A product on a shelf should speak for itself, that much is true. But what is it about your store that is attracting customers in the first place? You begin to understand what the answer is when you know how to use ambient lighting in retail locations.

Learning how to use ambient lighting in retail locations is the key to attracting customers and bringing them into your store.

Learning how to use ambient lighting in retail locations is the key to attracting customers and bringing them into your store.

Ambient Light Defined

Natural light is often considered to be ambient lighting. In fact, the definition of ambient light is light that already exists in a specific area. But natural light isn’t always available when you have a retail location. This is why many people turn to artificial ambient lighting. Ambient lighting isn’t often noticed, it is felt. The most extreme case of the feeling that ambient light can be found in haunted houses. That spooky feeling you get when there is a bit of red light in an otherwise dark room. That is from the ambient lighting and not knowing what is in the shadows. Ambient lighting in a retail location could be spooky if you want it to be. Whatever feeling you want your store to give off can be done with ambient lighting. 

Learning how to use ambient lighting in retail locations is the key to attracting customers and bringing them into your store.

Ambient LEDs

Think back to the last time you were in a store. What type of lighting do you remember? Most stores use fluorescent lighting. Bright harsh lights aren’t exactly inviting. For a long time LEDs weren’t seen as sufficient enough lighting options. But LEDs have changed a lot since they first hit the market. Now, LEDs are capable of providing different types of lighting from task lighting to ambient lighting. You can control LEDs brightness, color, you can even set them to turn on and off at specific times. This is why LEDs are the perfect option for ambient lighting. 

How to Use Ambient Lighting in Retail Locations

Use artificial ambient light to create the main source of lighting in your store. While there are different types of fixtures you could use, brightness is the most important part. LEDs can be dimmed or brightened to a degree that you find most suitable for your location. The determining factor will be the products you sell. If you’re selling products that need to be clearly seen, brighter ambient light is best. Bright lights could be the wrong way to go if you’re trying to create a chill location. There is a perfect amount of light depending on the mood you’re going for in your store. It will take some trial and error to figure it out. But once you do, you will find that brightness levels really do make a difference.

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