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Fall is here and that means longer nights and more lights. Lighting the inside is easy but outdoors is a little more difficult. Luckily, there are outdoor LED lighting tips for fall that can keep you, your business, and customers or clients see the light when it’s dark outside.

Outdoor LED lighting tips for fall can help you light up the season in the right ways that attract customers and clients.

Outdoor LED Lighting Tips for Fall Distance Matters

Outdoor LED lighting tips for fall can help you light up the season in the right ways that attract customers and clients. Business owners can’t control the light from the street or parking lot. However, distance is important for both safety and design. The plan is simple, the further away a fixture is from your building, the brighter it should be.

You can then get dimmer as the fixtures get closer to your building. The idea is simple, the parking lot is dangerous at night, so you want to make people feel safe coming to your business at night by keeping those lights further out brighter. The windows will allow light to escape from inside which will is why lights closer to the building don’t need to be as bright.

Garden Lighting

Many businesses have gardens out front or some sort of landscaping. This is a fantastic opportunity to add a touch of design and beauty to your business at night. One of the most important outdoor LED lighting tips for fall is to light up the landscape that you do have.

Fall might make that seem impossible with bare trees and wet weather. But using string lights in bare trees is a fantastic idea or up lighting behind the landscape and against the building. This will push that beauty to the forefront making your business feel more welcoming.

Outdoor LED Lighting Tips for Fall Little Girl Holding a Lantern Wearing a Sweater with Fallen Leaves on the Gorund Around Her

Get Dramatic

LED lighting is a wonderful way to light up the night without spending too much money on power. But shadows are just as important as light. Safety should be at the forefront of your mind when using outdoor LED lighting tips for fall. That means walkways and doorways should be well lit.

But you can use shadows to add drama to the scene which is more enticing than a completely lit building at night.

Underground Wiring

Fall means lots of leaves on the ground, wet weather, and maybe even snow depending on where your business is located. It is important that any wiring for outdoor lighting is underground. This will not only make the area look clean, but it is safer this way.

You don’t want the weather or people messing up your wiring or worse, getting hurt. Wires should be buried a minimum of 6-inches deep and can be done professionally with ease if needed.

Outdoor LED Lighting Tips for Fall Close Up of a Tree During Fall

Maintenance is Important

The weather can mess up a lot, cover even more, and make it a nuisance sometimes. However, outdoor lighting is especially important for every business. That means it is time to put in the work to get the best results. Maintenance will include things like keeping lighting areas clear of leaves, making sure the system is perfectly operating all season long, and ensuring bulbs are still putting out enough light.

These outdoor LED lighting tips for fall will help your business become the shining light it should be during fall and even into winter. Snow will be a whole different issue to tackle.

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