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Rain can be a tricky thing to deal with when it comes to lighting. Water reflects all white light which means things can get blinding. That won’t work for most businesses since they want customers and clients to see their business. LED lighting for rainy days might be able to help.

LED lighting for rainy days is an effective way to make sure your clients and customers don’t get blinded by your business.

White Light and Rain

LED lighting for rainy days is an effective way to make sure your clients and customers don’t get blinded by your business. We have all driven through a city or town when it’s raining only to be blinded by the lights of businesses lining the streets. That is because white light is easily reflected off the water that’s falling from the sky.

This is simple, water is a smooth, shiny surface and that makes it perfect for reflecting light. But here is an interesting fact, yellow LED light doesn’t cause a blinding effect for people passing by. The question is, why do white lights force us to close our eyes when they reflect but yellow light doesn’t?

The answer isn’t in the light or the reflection, instead, it’s in our eyes.

LED Lighting for Rainy Days Close Up of a Window with Water Droplets on it

Human Eyes

You may think there is no need to discuss human eyes and biology when talking about LED lighting for rainy days. However, it is important to understand the why, not just the how. The human eye is a fascinating thing and the way they work is even more interesting.

The important thing to know is that light operates on wavelengths and each color has a different wavelength. You may have heard that blue light is bad for your eyes. That’s because blue light has very short-wave lengths and focus them all on the front of our eyes.

But yellow light is easier for our eyes to process. In fact, yellow light wave lengths hit the retina in the perfect spot. That makes yellow LED lighting the best LED lighting for rainy days.

Color Changing LEDs

Businesses can make a real difference by using color changing LEDs to light up their businesses. Color changing lights allow businesses to customize their customers’ experience. They can stick with the normal colors or change with the seasons.

But color changing LEDs also allow businesses to change their lights to a yellow or yellowish color during rainy days. This will soothe the eyes and make things easier for both customers and employees. Color changing lights are not cheap which means that may not be an option. Luckily, there are other, more affordable but more permanent.

LED Lighting for Rainy Days Close Up of a Road with Rain Falling on Top

Yellow LEDs Outdoors

The outdoors is the most important aspect of LED lighting for rainy days. Lighting your store inside with yellow lighting won’t make much of a difference. That means you can add yellow or yellowish LED lighting to the surrounding area around your business.

This will make it more affordable, however, you will have those lights year-round. Another option would be to swap the lights out at the start of every rainy season if you’d like. Ultimately, the goal is to just ensure the lights have a yellow tint every time it rains.

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