How LED Lights Help the Environment

How LED Lights Help the Environment

Technology is helping make our lives easier in many different ways but some technology does even more. LED lighting, for example, doesn’t just save us from buying replacement bulbs every couple of months; it also helps the environment. When technology can both help us...
Why Do LED Light Bulbs Last Longer?

Why Do LED Light Bulbs Last Longer?

When people talk about the benefits of LED lighting, one of the topics mentioned is always lifespan. It is almost common knowledge that LED light bulbs last longer, but not many people explain further. Knowing why LED light bulbs last longer isn’t exactly necessary,...
What are LED Wall Packs Used for?

What are LED Wall Packs Used for?

Wall pack lighting is commonly used outdoors as extra lighting for pedestrians or vehicles. These lights light up the ground and are mounted to outside facing walls of buildings. Knowing where to find wall pack lighting is only part of the answer, LED wall packs are...

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