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Lighting plays a key role for business owners, no matter what type of business they operate. Businesses have to worry about the cost of power they use for lighting and how the light affects productivity. All of this is why LED lighting fixtures for small offices is so important.

The best LED lighting fixtures for small offices can help increase productivity while lowering the cost of energy.

LED Lighting Fixtures for Small Offices

The best LED lighting fixtures for small offices can help increase productivity while lowering the cost of energy. There are many distinct types of fixtures to choose from for small offices. Tube lighting is the most common fixture in offices. However, it is more common to see fluorescent lights in those fixtures rather than LEDs. Luckily, there are LED tube lighting options as well. But the important thing to remember is that there are still other fixtures that can be used. You don’t need to stick with the normal tube lighting. In fact, other fixtures could help liven up the space and bring a touch of style to your office.

LED Lighting Fixtures for Small Offices Inside of a Small Office with a Desk and a Display

Panel Lighting

Panel lighting is exactly what it sounds like, a panel that can be hung on a wall or from a ceiling. These fixtures are very modern and very thin which means they won’t take up much space at all. In fact, some offices may appear to have tube lighting, but it is actually just a panel that is inserted into the ceiling. These lights will have LED options and that means savings in energy costs as well as a boost to productivity. We don’t always notice how light makes a difference, but it absolutely does.

Double-Duty Lighting

There are also fixtures that are more focused on the design of the fixture more than anything else. For example, there are circular fixtures that are made from a tube. The tube is bent until it becomes a circle and can be hung like chandeliers that are closer to the ceiling than the average chandelier. These fixtures are perfect for design and modernization. But the shape and design of the fixture is only part of the equation. You also want to make sure that the fixtures provide enough light for employees to see and to stay productive. That is when we turn to the free source of light, natural light.

LED Lighting Fixtures for Small Offices People at a Long Desk in a Meeting Room

Natural Lighting

LED light fixtures for small offices are especially important for productivity but the fixtures should be only part of the equation. Natural light is not only free but helps with productivity just as much as LED lighting does. Your fixture plan should include natural light sources. Small offices benefit from this the most because there is less room to worry about. This idea will vary depending on the number of windows and how much sunlight your area gets. Ultimately, you want to be sure not to overdo it with your LED fixtures and not underestimate the power of opening the shades.

Type of Fixtures for Offices

There are four main types of fixtures to consider, though small spaces will not need to think about them all. Accent lighting is the type of lighting that is for a particular area. Businesses should use accent lighting to highlight a specific part of the business. Small offices will not need to worry so much about accent lighting. Backlighting is similar to accent lighting in that it is meant for a specific area and to highlight that area.

Again, backlighting is not necessary for small offices but can be used to liven things up a bit. Up lighting is far less common and used mostly at events as décor. Up lighting, as you may have guessed is not necessary for small offices. Lastly, we have down lighting. Down lighting is any type of fixture that directs light directly downward. This is the only type of fixture that small offices should be concerned with. Everything else can be considered extra lighting.

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