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Lighting is very important for businesses of all kinds. It provides advertising opportunities and security and can even create an ambiance in the building. Businesses must ensure their lighting is working properly. A few tips for common commercial lighting repairs can help to that end.

Businesses need a few tips for common commercial lighting repairs to help ensure their lighting is providing everything it should.

Tips for Common Commercial Lighting Repairs

Businesses need a few tips for common commercial lighting repairs to help ensure their lighting is providing everything it should. Running a business of any kind requires a lot of work and attention to detail to be successful. No one said running a business was supposed to be easy. This means paying attention to things that may not seem as important but can make a huge difference, like lighting.

Some people may think that lighting can only serve one purpose: to help people see when the sun goes down. But lighting has many different purposes for businesses. Lighting can provide security by removing dark corners so customers feel safe entering and leaving a business.

You can also use lighting to direct customers’ attention to specials and sales and help them navigate a store. Lighting can also help with marketing by providing photo opportunities or attracting outside attention. We can also use lighting to create an ambiance that people enjoy. Ultimately, lighting is far more important than just helping people see.

Tips for Common Commercial Lighting Repairs a Small Boutique Shop Selling Handbags and Women's Accessories

Business Lighting Maintenance

There are a few tips for common commercial lighting repairs that can help ensure your lighting continues to serve its purpose. Everything starts with proper maintenance. Businesses should have a cleaning schedule that includes lighting fixtures. Simple dust can diminish light output by 10 percent. If left alone, dust can even damage bulbs over time by allowing them to overheat.

Of course, LED lighting can help extend the amount of time it takes for bulbs to take heat damage. But it can still happen with enough dust for enough time. Lighting should also be checked regularly, with the goal being to find flickers or dimming lights. Catching the problem as soon as possible is important.

Timers and dimmers should also be monitored regularly to ensure everything is working as it should or be adjusted if it isn’t. All of these maintenance checks should be happening once a month, every two months, or every three months, depending on the type of lighting your business utilizes. LED lighting can be extended to three months, during which every other type of lighting should be checked more often.

Tips for Common Commercial Lighting Repairs a Coffee Shop with a Barista Behind a Counter

Bulb Replacements

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was only one type of bulb in slightly different sizes to make replacing them easier? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Replacing bulbs requires knowing what to look for when you head to the store. We need to be certain that the bulbs we buy to replace malfunctioning bulbs match the fixture components.

The easiest way to do this is to stick with one manufacturer or brand throughout the store. Another way to do this is to purchase in bulk once a year. Sticking with one brand or manufacturer also makes troubleshooting much easier.

Tips for Common Commercial Lighting Repairs a Clothing Store Selling Men's Suits

Panel Updates

Technology moves fast; this is true for most aspects of tech. But lighting doesn’t always move as fast. We experienced a significant change when LED lighting hit the scene. But things have mostly slowed to changes in form rather than function ever since. Still, electrical panels could be a significant cause of headaches for business owners.

One of the tips for common commercial lighting repairs won’t even involve the lighting itself. Instead, we need to direct our attention to the electrical panel. Business owners should pay attention to any noises coming from the panel as they could be indicators of burnt wires, loose connections, or tripped breakers.

These things are very important as they could lead to fires. We can also upgrade the panels once every 25 years, which seems like a long time. But when was the last time the electrical panel was upgraded in your building?

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