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Energy saving ideas for factories are important thanks to a rise in energy costs. Heating and cooling take up 40% of the amount of energy used in factories. Basic electricity takes up another 40% and telecommunication takes up about 20%. Even the smallest most insignificant changes could make a huge difference in energy consumption. There are a few changes you can make now if you’re looking for ways to reduce energy costs in a factory that will work. 

The best energy saving ideas for factories will not only help save on energy ideas but could also help the environment in some major ways.

The best energy saving ideas for factories will not only help save on energy ideas but could also help the environment in some major ways.

Energy Saving Ideas for Factories

Anything that uses energy should be well maintained. Little issues could cause an appliance to use more energy than needed to get the job done. You should start with HVAC since heating and cooling take up an average of 40% of energy for factories. Indoor/outdoor filters should be kept clean and clear of any debris. Checking for leaks in the duct is also a great idea. Leaks should be checked once a year to make sure the heat or cooling isn’t wasted. It should go without saying but using HVAC only when necessary is also a great idea. 

Consumption Meter and Smart Tech

Smart technology has made it easier for us to control things like HVAC in our homes. But that same idea can be transferred over to factories as well. We can control the amount of heat or air conditioning that is used with smart tech. We can also use consumption meters to help determine where our energy is being used. If you don’t want to invest in a consumption meter, most energy providers offer free energy audits to businesses. These audits will determine where every last penny was spent.

Learn About Peak Hours

One of the best energy saving ideas for factories is to utilize peak hours. Did you know that energy providers have what is called peak hours? Peak hours are blocks of time during the day when costs per kWh are slightly raised. If you’ve had an audit and determined what machines use the most energy, run them only during off-peak hours. If you can strategically organize the runtime of these machines you can save some money. In fact, we may not notice these differences at home but in a factory, where a lot of energy is used, the differences will be noticed. 

The best energy saving ideas for factories will not only help save on energy ideas but could also help the environment in some major ways.

Have an Energy Management Team

Many businesses face an issue with responsibility. If your business is trying to monitor energy costs, whose responsibility is it? Having an energy management team could help your business focus on energy costs. Try pulling a representative from each department to make up your energy management team. Having your team built this way will make sure that every department is held responsible for energy costs. Together, this team can work out different ways of saving money that affects the entire factory.

LED Lighting

One of the easiest energy-saving ideas for factories is to switch to LED lighting. LED lighting not only uses less energy, it produces more light, is adjustable, and is great for the environment. You can also use smart technology to prevent lights from using energy when not in use. Retrofitting your entire lighting system may cost money at first but over time, you will start seeing savings.

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