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Upgrading your lighting system doesn’t always require new fixtures and electrical work. Sometimes, a simple upgrade like buying LED bulbs is all you need. Still, LED bulbs could be costly, though there are a few different rebates you could find to help. Lighting rebates come from many different sources, you just have to know where to look.

Lighting rebates are a great way to start the upgrade process. You just need to find them first, luckily, there are some tips to help.

Compared to incandescent bulbs, CFL bulbs, and even halogen bulbs, LEDs are the best choice. They last longer, are more efficient, and have more options for customization! These are only some of the reasons businesses should be opting for LED lighting. The biggest benefit is how much money they save.

An LED light uses far less energy to provide us with more light than traditional lighting. Your business will see those savings every month after they have been installed. What business doesn’t like to see their monthly overhead costs lower? But there is still the issue of getting those lights and fixtures installed.

Unfortunately, LED lighting costs a lot of money to install and retrofits can get costly as well. But LEDs are so beneficial that local governments and businesses created rebate programs. Rebate programs will help lower the cost of the installation and make it easier for businesses to afford. That means you can save money on installing money-saving LEDs.

Tips to Finding LED Lighting Rebates Close Up of an LED Panel

Local Energy Provider

Many times, local energy groups will provide you with the necessary tools to upgrade your system to save power. Mostly, these rebates come in the form of distributor rebates and can range from $5-$20. Check with your local energy provider to find out what incentives and rebates they offer before buying your LED bulbs.

Energy Star

Energy Star is one of the best places to find LED rebates. Their website has the option to put in your zip code and find your utility rebates and how to get them. Oftentimes, Energy Star will point you to your local energy provider. Still, it’s an efficient way to find how you can save money and even make money on your new lighting system.

Tips to Finding LED Lighting Rebates a Person Holding an LED Bulb That is Lit

The Government

When it comes to upgrading bulb by bulb, government incentives are rare. However, for business owners and bigger upgrades, the government offers incentives and loan programs to help you along the way. These incentives come in the form of instant savings, loans, rebates, lower utility bills etc.

Government rebates should only be searched for if you’re a business looking to go green and become a more efficient energy user. No matter how you plan to attack the energy problem in your home or business, there are ways to save instantly.

The biggest rebate or incentive comes with your monthly energy bill when you see how much energy you save and thus money. Over time, your monthly bill will become the biggest incentive. Though these rebates will help you start the process of upgrading. Now you just need to decide which room you will start in with the upgrades.  

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